Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

During our Master's journey, we have come across many organizations with such great missions and goals.  Honestly, it was very hard to choose just three.  Knowing that the central piece that connects them all is children, makes it all a little easier. 
NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children):  Since starting my journey in early childhood education, I have been very interested in the NAEYC.  The NAEYC is a national organization that works very hard to raise the standards and provide quality care for all children age birth through 8 years old.  The NAEYC accreditation programs are well known and families often seek out programs that are NAEYC accredited. A role that interests me with the NAEYC is to become a member of the Council for the NAEYC Accreditation Programs for Young Children.  The duties of the committee members are to approve policies, provide feedback, and oversee all accreditation programs.  When on the committee, you are a member for three years, and attend meetings three times each year. 
NAECTE (National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators)-  The NAECTE is an association for early childhood educators to come together to learn about current issues and trends, new laws, sharing of information and ideas, and professional development.  I think it is very important for educators to be part of a group in which they can learn from each other.  When we are united, we are stronger.  I know that the NAECTE has officers and regional representatives, who make part of the governing board.  My interest in administration and leadership makes me very interested in being part of a governing board that works to help fellow educators make positive changes in our field.  The governing board members are elected by the members of the association.  Membership is the only pre-requisite to this job. 

Zero to Three- Zero to Three is an organization that I have followed since becoming a Developmental Therapist in 2010.  Indiana’s early childhood intervention system (First Steps) used information and research from Zero to Three in our monthly newsletters.  We were required to read through the information and take quizzes.  Zero to Three is a non-profit organization that provides information and research in order to enhance the lives of children ages birth to three.  They currently do not have a position available for a trainer, but that would be a role that would appeal to me.  Zero to Three provides training through the National Training Institute.  The National Training Institute provides annual training for individuals working in the early childhood field.  A trainer would require a person who is an expert in the field, and has a great depth of knowledge about the content of a specific area.  While I am definitely not at the point yet in my career, it is definitely something to work toward! 



  1. These are all wonderful organizations and I have truly learned a lot about the NAEYC and Zero To Three, the NAECTE is a new one for me and I look forward to exploring it more. Zero to Three has offer me a lot of insight into early child development that I was not as familiar with as I needed to be. As a teacher and someone without children, yet, there information is very helpful.
    Thank you for sharing it.

  2. I also chose NAEYC. I have learned so much about EC through them. I almost wrote about Zero to Three, too. I love their resources. I frequently use them in my Child Development & Parenting classes. I think it would be very rewarding to be on the governing board for NAECTE.

  3. Hi Kristen,
    I almost posted about Zero to Three, but did not find any openings. I find a lot of great information from their website that has been useful in my work with infants and toddlers. It would be a wonderful opportunity to be a trainer for Zero to Three.

  4. Kristen,
    Your link for NAECTE was informative. I like areas that focus on teachers. Most people don't understand how important teachers are. We need more areas that we can go to and show our greatness and converse with one another.
