Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Letting Go

"If your child is going to develop a healthy personality with the capacity to remain intact and grow, she must learn how to test reality, regulate her impulses, stabilize her moods, integrate her feelings and actions, focus her concentration and plan."  Stanley Greenspan, M.D. 

As educators, we need to remember that we are here to teach, offer help when needed, and provide an environment for each child that nurtures them and allows then to grow into well-rounded individuals.  As a parent, I know it is hard to let go.  But there comes a time when we must allow our children learn, grow, and make mistakes on their own.  This is essential for them to learn. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very true Kristen. Our natural instinct as parents and educators is to protect our children and students and hope that they don't experience the mistakes and difficulties that we encountered. However, we place our children at a disadvantage when we do this, as they do not grow and develop into "well-rounded individuals" as you aptly put it.

  3. Wow great quote, AND reminder to everyone. As a parent that will be hard for me to do I'm sure :O) but as teacher that totally makes sense as well. Learning to stand back is something I always try to remind myself in teaching as well.
