Friday, November 4, 2011

Establishing Contacts and Expanding Resources

Establishing Contacts
This week I have been working to establish some contacts with education professionals that are currently working in a country other than The United States of America. 

  • I first started with contacting a classmate that I have had class with through this entire program so far to see if she has any contacts she could help me get in touch with.
  • I placed a message on facebook, since I am friends with many educators to see if anyone had any contacts in other countries.
  • I joined an early childhood facebook group.  I am super excited to be part of this group because members frequently post fun, creative early childhood ideas. 
  • I contacted a former co-worker, who is now a professor at a state university to see if she had any contacts from another country that she could put me in contact with. 
I am excited to say that I have two professionals that are willing to be in contact with me over the next few weeks!  I placed a message on the early childhood page through Facebook, and had to individuals contact me saying that they would like to help.  I can't wait to learn more about them, as well as issues, trends, and policies in their countries!

Expanding Resources
I have always been a fan of Zero to Three documents.  Through my work as a developmental therapist, we often recieve handouts and articles from Zero to Three from the state's early intervention program.  Zero to Three documents are easy to read, easy to understand, and have great content.  I am now registered to recieve email newsletters from three different Zero to Three newsletters!  I am so excited!!!!


  1. You were so creative in ways to contact professionals. Do you mind if I steal your way of contacting someone from the facebook site? It is such a great idea.

    I love the Zero-to-Three website and I can't wait to hear about all of the things you learn.

  2. Kristen, thank you so much for the inforamtion. I never even thought about face book. That is wonderful that you have personal friendships/relationships with people who have incites in the early childhood field. That can be more easier for you. Doesn't always have to be through email but over the phone conversation with friends can sometimes be informal.I will be joining the early childhood face book group this week. Thank you for the resources.

  3. Kristen, Joining the Facebook page was a great idea! I hadn't really thought about it, even though it should have been my first thought since I am on there all the time. I look forward to reading everything that you have to share from your resources and professionals.

  4. Kristen -
    That is wonderful that you have been able to establish two contacts so, easily. I must admit although facebook is such a easy resource I am not very fond of using it as a resource. I have not had such good luck with my contacts although I have my hopes high. I look forward to reading about your success and the information you are able to obtain. Thank you very much for your post and the resource. :)
