Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sharing Web Resources-Zero to Three on "Reauthorization".

Over the last six weeks, I have been exploring the Zero to Three website.  This week, I followed a link from the Zero to Three website titled "Early Head Start".  The link took me to The Early Head Start National Resource Center.  This center had sections on News, Resources, Activities, and Partnerships.  They cover topics such as SIDS, breastfeeding, webcasts, onlines lessons, homebased programs, etc.  It looks a fantastic website that covers a wide range of topics as it relates to infants and toddlers.   

This week I also searched for some specific articles about either access, awareness, or responsiveness.  I had a difficult time finding any specific articles, but did come accross an article titled "Zero To Three Priortities For Early Childhood In The Reauthorization Of The Elementary And Secondary Education Act".  

This article does an excellent job at highlighting the importance of early childhood education, and the effect  it can have on children as they age and grow.  "The first years of life are critically important to later success in school and adulthood" (Zero to Three, 2011, pg. 1).  Furthermore, this article goes on to make reccomendations for creating a new connection between early childhood education with the K-12 education system.  Some of these suggestions include:
  • Continue the Use of Title I Funds to Serve Children Birth to Five
  • Require Data Collection on use of Title I Funds for Early Childhood Education
  • Promote Joint Professional Development for Early Childhood and Early Elementary Educators
  • Incorporate Provisions within Literacy Initiatives Based on the Premise that Early Language and Literacy Begin at Birth
  • Require K12 and CommunityBased Early Care and Education Providers to Support and Coordinate Efforts with Each Other

What does all of this mean?

There is definitely a move for early childhood to be held at the same level as K-12 education!  This is exciting for  early childhood professionals, and will reap great benefits for edcuation as a whole.  Zero to Three is a fantastic organization that stays abreast the hot topics in the early childhood field.  Zero to Three also advocate for all young children, showing the importance of education and relationships at all ages including infants. 

Resource from:


  1. Early childhood education is so important to be linked with K-12. In my area, we are fortunate enough to have a yearly conference with school districts and early childhood programs coming together to connect with each other. As a preschool teacher at a daycare I learned so much about what my students needed to learn. Great post! Definitely going to go find that article to read. :)

  2. Kristen,
    It is exciting to see the move toward equality for the children and professionals. so often the K - 12 views early education as daycare, but through dedication of professionals such as the Zero to Three we see the shift happening, like charolette said, more meetings with the teachers in the elementary grades with help close the learning gap. Thanks for the post

  3. I really like the idea of connecting early childhood with K-12. I think this will encourage more quality programs.
