If I was told to choose my all-time favorite children's book, I would say that is a very difficult decision. I have been teaching for over 8 years, and find myself totally in love with so many children's books. One book that I always seem to come back to though is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Have you read it? If not, run out RIGHT NOW, and pick it up! Let me know if it brings tears to your eyes and gives you chills everytime you read it like it does to me?
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein touches my heart for so many reasons. The relationship between the tree and the boy is one that can teach so many lessons to children, as well as adults. Some of the values that are seen in this story are love, devotion, selfishness vs. selflessness, happiness, sadness, the act of giving, and consequences.
The illustrations may just be black and white, but the content is full of the warmest colors that embed themselves in your mind and heart. I think my daughter knows this book by heart!
I absolute love the black and white picture. I hope that I am not reading too much into it but it reminds me of a few things. First, it reminds me of a foundation (the tree planted firmly in the ground) which is what we have to be for the children in our lives. We have to be foundation or at least create a foundation for the younger generation. Secondly, the trees remind me of the many people that the children will come in contact with. After all, the old saying is "it takes a village to raise a child."