Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Resources!!!!

Exciting news this week!  I have added a "Course Resources" to the side bar of my blog.  Please scroll down and check it out!  I am also giving you a few additional resources that are some of my favorites!  Enjoy!

During one of my years as a 1st grade teacher, at an inner city charter school, we read this book as a staff.  We had weekly discussions at staff meetings, and monthly awards to certain teachers who were known to "Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire".  Great read for any educator!  It can't be purchased at Amazon

Foundation for Child Development

This fantastic website knows just how to stay on top of the changes in the Early Childhood Field.  This website is dedicated to the notion that all families should have the resources available to raise healthy, well-rounded individuals that can make huge impacts in their communities.

Teaching for Change

This website encourages teachers and students to “re-think the world inside and outside their classrooms, build a more equitable, multicultural society, and become active global citizens” (www.teachingforchange.org).  Their goal is to “transform schools into centers of justice where students learn to read, write and change the world” (www.teachingforchange.org).  This website is being run by a board of directors consisting of teachers, administrators, community members, and parents. 

A wonderful aspect of this site is parent section titled “Tellin’ Stories”.   “Tellin’ Stories” connects individuals across race, language barriers, and culture, not only with each other, but also with schools.  This allows people who might not normally be involved in the education process the ability to get involved.  This section is mainly for the goal of building a partnership between schools and families.

Have a great week!!!!


  1. I am adding Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire to my reading list. I love the title and I am curious what it has to offer. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow thanks for sharing the book title and the teaching for change website. I had no idea of either one, I'll have to check them both out. They both sound like excellent resources. (Great format too by the way! I like it)

  3. Of course I had to google "Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire". Thanks for sharing. Definitely a book to read.

  4. I love the title of the book! Reading the description of the book has made me move it to the top of my reading list! I can't wait to dig deeper into each of your websites. They look like they have great information for all of us.
