Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Communication Role Model

This week I was asked to think about someone who demonstrates competent communication.  The first person that popped into my mind was my friend Kim.  Eight years ago Kim came into my life as my first grade partner teacher.  Not only were Kim and I teaching together, but soon after we both became pregnant, and little did we know would face many medical challenges involving our newborn daughters.  These things all bonded Kim and I together with a friendship that has continued even though we currently live in different states. 

Kim exhibits many characteristics that I believe make her a very effective communicator.  Kim listens closely when having a conversation.  She accepts the differences of other who she is communicating with, and even accepts what she hears even though it may not be something she personally practices or believes in.  Kim has also always been completely honest and offers reasoning behind her messages.  She has a way of making people feel comfortable, safe, and not afraid to share their emotions. 

Our Kids (our oldest are 4 months apart, and the youngest are 6 days apart)

These characteristics that Kim possesses are something I strive for.  I often have to remind myself to listen to others in the way that Kim has always done.  There is a difference between listening, and actively listening and truly listening.  I would like to believe her caring disposition has rubbed off on my over the years.  It is fantastic to have such a close friend to look up to and learn from!


  1. That is so great to have a friend that has that kind of bond with you and your children. Must be cool to have all your kids so close together in age too. I love what you said about the difference with actively listening and truly listening, there are differences, slight but I think it is a key point with communicating. Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Kim seem to be a wonderful person and I have always enjoyed reading your posts but in response to your post, I am just thrilled that you pointed out that Kim is someone who is accepting of the differences found in the people that she comes in contact with. I think that this is a trait that allows Kim to be successful professionally or personally.

  3. Kim seems to be a very effective communicator. I think that it is great that she not only listens, but listens with an open mind. I think many times people will blow off what people say because it does not go with their beliefs. As teachers we have to be accepting of those differences and listen with an open mind! Great post

  4. Kim and you crossed paths and there was a reason. What an amazing story that both of you have children around the same age and daughters with medical challenges. Kim sounds like a great listener. There are some people who truly do have wonderful listening skills.

  5. Kristen,
    The person I picked as my role model is also a great listener, something I need to work on. I love how you mentioned the difference between listening and truly listening. That could not be more true! I feel that nowadays everyone is so caught up in their own lives and schedules that we do not truly listen to each other anymore. Thank you for you post. :)
